Some Heroes Are So Big, They Don’t Have to Fight

Black Dragon: One Step at a Time

A superhero adventure book for readers age 7-11

From classroom to training room at the Shen Academy high atop Shuraudo Mountain, BlackDragon and other young super heroes from around the world are protected and trained by the wise old Master Takeshi Shen.

When BlackDragon, Digger, Hawk and Chamile discover that an earthquake swallowed the home of teashop keepers Mr. and Mrs. Sato, the four friends unite their super powers, follow B.D.’s lightning vision, and climb down into the crevasse to help the old couple rebuild.

But towering obstacles stand in their way, including school work, school rules and the realities of living hidden among the non-superheroes in the magical city Okasa. Will they overcome their fears and get it all done?

All will be revealed, one step at a time.

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